June 23-30, 2008
Youth of Nezahualcóyotl; ages 13-17
Create a sense of pride in community and awareness about social issues present in the lives of youth living in Nezahualcóyotl. Inspire and empower youth to make a difference in themselves and their communities through photojournalism.
Oscar Castillo, Brian Frank, Nikola Okin Frioli, Federico Gama, Sergio Beltran Garcia, Darcy Holdorf, Carlos Alvarez Montero, Michael Mullady, Jessica Pons, Paulina Rodriguez, Benjamin Thomas.
$7,000.00 US Dollars. Project Luz and photographers are committed to this project on a volunteer basis.
Our needs are as follows:
- 20 digital cameras.
- Teaching facilities in Nezahualcoyotl.
- Lunch for all students and volunteers.
- Accommodations for volunteering photographers.
- Transportation of students during workshop.
For more info: